Poste :
Concevoir un projet thérapeutique.
Détecter les contre-indications (suite à des fractures, infections osseuses, etc.) et orienter le patient vers des professionnels adaptés (médecin, psychologue.. ).
Organiser et adapter les séances de kinésithérapie selon le patient.
Réaliser des diagnostics Masso-kinésithérapiques (bilan des déficiences etc) à partir de tests de force musculaire, de posture puis les présenter aux patients.
Profil :
Vous vous reconnaissez dans ces points requis :
* Être titulaire du DE (diplôme d'Etat) de masseur-kinésithérapeute
* Débutant(e) accepté(e), ainsi qu'expérimenté(e)
* Rigueur et précision.
* Travail en équipe.
* Empathie
* Ecoute active.
You wish to work in a stimulating environment, within a passionate team, in a modern cabinet, be able to continue your training and all this in a convivial atmosphere ?
Company :
You wish to work in a stimulating environment, within a young and passionate team, in a modern cabinet, be able to continue your training, in a convivial atmosphere ? It is here :
Cabinet of very modern physiotherapy, located 200 meters from the Stade de France, 2 steps from the metro, recruiting 2 physiotherapists, employees, CDI, to join its team.
You will have the opportunity to work in a 250m² modern cabinet, fully equipped, with a clientele essentially composed of people suffering from chronic, orthopedic and neurological pathologies (no home visits).
The cabinet's opening hours are :
Monday to Friday : 7am - 7:30pm (Monday from 8am and Friday closing at 6:30pm), Saturday : 9am - 1pm, you will only work once a month on Saturday.
The 250m² cabinet has :
* A 90m² gym + 8 individual boxes.
* Equipment :
o Ondes of shock
o TEACAR therapy
o Treadmill
o Electric bikes
o Press
o Etc...
* A reception area with 2 secretaries
* A private and reserved well-being space for the team : a modern kitchen + separate toilets
The team consists of 6 physiotherapists + the manager (who is a very experienced physiotherapist/osteopath/pathologist). Good humor and collaboration reign, the atmosphere is very professional and familial.
No evening work, no home visits.
Proposal :
* Lieu de travail : Saint-Denis (93200) (near the Stade de France)
* Type de contrat : Contrat à durée indéterminée (CDI)
* Durée de travail hebdomadaire : 39 heures
* Mutuelle
* Pass Navigo taken over at 50%
* Déplacement : None
* Expérience : Beginner (e) accepted (e), as well as experienced
* Salaire brut : 4000 € / month + possible evolution (depending on profile)
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