Notre raison d'être chez AXA ? Chaque jour, nous agissons ensemble pour le progrès humain en protégeant ce qui compte. Une mission qui donne le sourire et envie de se lever le matin !
Un des leaders mondiaux de l'assurance dans la protection des biens, des personnes et des actifs, AXA c'est 145 000 collaborateurs et contributeurs qui s'engagent au quotidien pour nos clients, c'est 51 pays dans lesquels nous distribuons nos produits et services et plus de 90 millions de client qui nous font confiance dans le monde. Employeur citoyen et responsable, AXA s'engage au quotidien pour des causes sociétales & environnementales. Nous menons une politique inclusive engagée pour reconnaître et valoriser les différences individuelles. Ces ambitions vous parlent ? Alors venez changer le monde avec nous !
Le siège du Groupe AXA est basé à La Défense (Tour Majunga) et regroupe les activités corporate du Groupe. Il se distingue par une forte culture internationale. Whatever their stage of life, we provide over 108 million customers with the products and services they need to progress. From insurance to personal protection, and savings to wealth management, no matter the need we're always there for them. And we're always there for our employees. In 50 countries, we work hard to inspire pride and a sense of belonging in our people. To provide opportunities that challenge them, inspire them, and reward them. And to create a culture that's open, supportive, and empowering. Because we know that's the real secret to success - and the best way for us to keep building a better world for both our customers and the talented people who put them first.
Your work environment :
The headquarters of the AXA Group (GIE AXA) brings together our corporate activities. IT provides guidance and support to subsidiaries around the world, to ensure the coordination and monitoring of the Group's global strategy, the application of its standards, the consistency of commercial approaches and the sharing of best practices. The headquarters gathers approximately 1000 employees and is distinguished by its strong international culture (45 nationalities), which makes IT a rich and stimulating place to work.
Within the Group, you will join AXA EssentiALL, the Group's global inclusive insurance business unit, currently protecting circa 14 million customers across Asia, Africa and Latin America, and more recently France and European Markets. Within the team, this role will BE focused on accompanying the expansion of AXA EssentiALL's mandate by strengthening its financial, social and operational reporting and planning practices encompassing over 20 markets, leading the numerical analysis of our business to facilitate strategic decision making and evidence based disclosures to internal and external stakeholders, as well as being part of the implementation of inclusive insurance solutions in one of our key markets.
Within this Department, you will BE part of the Strategy, Governance and Performance Management team.
Your job and daily missions :
Key figures on AXA EssentiALL :
- Circa 14 million customers covered and EUR 260m GWP in 14 emerging markets (7 mature markets recently incorporated to the scope, reporting framework and processes in process of implementation) - IT is one of the largest inclusive insurance operations worldwide, and the sole business-oriented inclusive insurance business unit of any major global insurer
- The business covers multiple business lines : Protection, Health, Property and Assistance; and multiple business models including B2B2C distribution, agent-led sales, digital models among others
This role sits at the heart of AXA's Inclusive Insurance business, facilitating informed and strategic decision making, as well as sound business steering :
- Global position managing the reporting and planning process of over 20 entities involved in inclusive insurance, via more than 150 inclusive insurance schemes.
- Quarterly performance management processes (financial, operational and social KPIs monitored) & governance with local C-suite management, running with all engaged entities - mature markets in the process of implementation.
- Annual planning exercise conducted in line with AXA's Strategic Plan across all marketsy, involving collaboration with regional and group strategy teams
- Disclosure of selected social and financial indicators as part of AXA's broader ESG strategy, in alignment with Group Corporate Responsibility and Group Reporting and Planning
Context and Major Challenges
In 2016, AXA launched AXA EssentiALL, a business dedicated to scaling up inclusive insurance solutions for the emerging middle class across Asia, Africa and Latin America. The specific protection needs of this new client segment has led us to reinvent insurance by simplifying products (focused on health, protection and property), building technology partnerships, and tying up with innovative distribution channel partnerships to better serve our clients.
The success in Emerging Markets, which in 2023 protected nearly 14m customers with inclusive insurance, has positioned this business as a strategic growth pillar for AXA Group, and the mandate of AXA EssentiALL has extended to Mature Markets.
With this increasingly relevant role in AXA's ESG Strategy and overall strategic narrative, there is a need for a stronger and more coordinated approach to financial, operational and social performance management, in articulation with other relevant departments and stakeholders and control functions at Group/Regional level.
The Performance Management & Business Intelligence Senior Analyst will support the head of the team to :
- Drive the AXA EssentiALL Performance Management processes & ensuing annual audits : the AXA EssentiALL quarterly reporting process with entities, the annual strategic planning exercise, the annual activities report and external ESG disclosures.
- Build relationships with a wide range of stakeholders at group, regional and local level, to ensure strategic alignment and contribution to relevant reporting processes.
- Drive the monitoring and visibility generation of the overall financial and operational performance of the business internally and externally, as well as keep an eye on relevant market trends in collaboration with other members of the team.
- In line with most members in the team, complement this functional expertise with field experience by supporting one AXA entity to grow their inclusive insurance business (i.e., act as an entity relationship manager)
Key Accountabilities
- Oversee the processes, action plan and report generation of the AXA EssentiALL' business activities
- Ensure the successful documentation, operation and continuous improvement of the performance management process, and the adequate liaison with the AXA EssentiALL community, as well as finance and other controlling functions at regional and group levels
- Lead the generation of presentations and documents for executive stakeholders that allow for efficient decision making, and adequate strategic and commercial steering
- Coordinate the preparation and animation of the entities' quarterly CEO calls on Inclusive Insurance, and support the preparation of content for the AXA EssentiALL Steering Committee
- Orchestrate the embedding AXA EssentiALL commitments into entities' governance processes (StratPlan, CEO dialogues, Target Letters, LTIs among others)
Support external and internal visibility of the AXA EssentiALL business performance
- Lead the preparation of key external documents in collaboration with other members of the team (AXA's Annual Report, ESG assessments like the CSA, AXA for Progress Index)
Support the strategic steering of the AXA EssentiALL business
- Make recommendations on the strategic position of AXA within the inclusive insurance space, considering external trends and opportunities, as well as AXA's overall strategic direction (conducting ad-hoc benchmarks as required)
Act as entity relationship manager for one of AXA EssentiALL's key markets
- Enable inclusive insurance business growth in collaboration with the head of AXA EssentiALL in one market, by identifying key barriers for growth and capabilities gaps, and then funnel support from the wider team according to entity needs
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