VINCI Construction, c’est un ensemble sans équivalent d’expertises dans la construction de bâtiments, d’ouvrages de génie civil et d’infrastructures partout dans le monde. Nos 116 000 collaboratrices et collaborateurs partagent toutes et tous la même vision : Build Better Together.
1. Construire son parcours
Vous voulez participer à des chantiers qui ont du sens et qui vous feront gagner en compétences ?
2. Construire utile
Vous voulez contribuer à améliorer la vie de chacun avec des projets qui font une vraie différence dans leur quotidien ?
3. Construire avec des valeurs
Vous voulez faire partie d’une équipe soudée, où tout repose sur la confiance et l’entraide, dans une ambiance conviviale ?
visitez notre espace recruteur !
The purpose of this role is to assist the Area Manager in the reporting and consolidation of the activities of the Middle-East Area.
This will be achieved through a transverse role in different disciplines:
1. Commercial Monitoring:
Update of the prospects and their development.
2. Procurement:
Preparation or support for services procurement; suppliers database: consolidation and update.
3. Tendering:
Assistance to tenders; support to proposals.
4. Area Dash-Board Consolidation:
Project Progress Follow-Up; QHSE reporting; Cost Control: projects and sector.
Required Qualifications:
• University Degree in engineering.
Experience And Skills:
1. Initial experience on a project site or part of a proposal team.
2. Technical understanding capacity.
3. Define and monitor KPI to establish measurement of performance.
4. Demonstrable ability to adapt to different cultures.
5. English proficiency required.
Key Behaviours and Attributes:
1. Strategic Skills – Innovative and Agile.
2. Operating Skills – Priority Setting.
3. Energy & Drive – Determined / Perseverance / Meticulous.
4. Personal & Interpersonal Skills – Ethics and Values / Integrity and Trust / Motivating others.
Additional Information:
• Can travel overseas for short-term or mid-term missions.
Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?
You want to join Major Projects teams within the leading construction Group?
This position will allow you:
• To participate in international projects;
• To acquire a solid culture of major projects activities.
You have a strong safety culture. The primary value of VINCI Construction Grands Projets and the absolute commitment of our employees, it is never acquired and must be nourished on a daily basis.
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