Forvia, a sustainable mobility technology leader
We pioneer technology for mobility experiences that matter to people.
Your mission, roles and responsibilities
Vos missions :
1. Préparation de la paie : gestion des temps et des activités, collecte des informations nécessaires à l’établissement de la paie, contact avec les managers...
2. Suivi des effectifs, réalisation de tableaux de bord et reporting relatif à la paie
3. Gestion des dossiers administratifs du personnel
4. Gestion des contrat intérimaires et des factures
5. Tâches administratives diverses : attestations, suivi mutuelle, médailles du travail…
Your profile and competencies to succeed
Et si c’était vous ?
1. Vous préparez une Licence, un BUT ou un Master (Bac+3/Bac+5)
2. Vous maitrisez les outils bureautiques (Excel et Word)
3. Vous êtes rigoureux(se), autonome et vous avez le sens des responsabilités
4. Vous avez de bonnes qualités relationnelles
5. Vous savez travailler en équipe
What we can do for you
* At Forvia, you will find an engaging and dynamic environment where you can contribute to the development of sustainable mobility leading technologies.
* We are the seventh-largest global automotive supplier, employing more than 157,000 people in more than 40 countries which makes a lot of opportunity for career development.
* We welcome energetic and agile people who can thrive in a fast-changing environment. People who share our strong values. Team players with a collaborative mindset and a passion to deliver high standards for our clients.
* We cultivate a learning environment, dedicating tools and resources to ensure we remain at the forefront of mobility.
* We offer a multicultural environment that values diversity and international collaboration.
* Achieving CO2 Net Zero as a pioneer of the automotive industry is a priority.
Why join us
FORVIA is an automotive technology group at the heart of smarter and more sustainable mobility.
With a history stretching back more than a century, we are the 7th largest global automotive supplier, employing more than 157,000 people in 43 countries.
As technological innovation and the need for sustainability transform the automotive industry, we are ideally positioned to deliver solutions that will enhance the lives of road-users everywhere.
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