Project Manager
Le succès d'une entreprise passe avant tout par les hommes et femmes qui la composent
Ensemble, partageons nos talents.
Ceva Santé Animale est la 1ère entreprise de santé animale française, et est classée au 5ème rang mondial.
Ensemble, c'est avec passion que les femmes et les hommes de Ceva recherchent, développent, produisent et commercialisent des solutions de santé innovantes pour soigner tous les animaux, et ainsi contribuer à la préservation des grands équilibres de notre planète.
Nous nous engageons à assurer le meilleur niveau de soins et de bien-être possible aux animaux d'élevage (volailles, porcs, ruminants), aux animaux de compagnie (chiens et chats) et à la faune sauvage.
En effet, notre vision « Ensemble, au-delà de la santé animale » met en avant le lien étroit qui existe entre la santé et le bien-être des personnes, des animaux et de notre planète. Ceva est plus que jamais engagé dans une approche « One Health », une seule santé en français.
Dans le cadre de notre politique "Diversité, équité et inclusion", Ceva Santé Animale s'engage en faveur de l'emploi des personnes en situation de handicap et déploie les moyens nécessaires au bon déroulement des entretiens de recrutement. N'hésitez pas à nous solliciter.
Vos missions :
With the project team he/she will define and plan related projects (from small to medium, large or complex). Drive execution within agreed budget, planning, scope and resources.
Coordinate activities of the project team, managing time, cost, scope, quality, communication and risks of the project. Is accountable for project success, for final product achievement asdefined with the project sponsor.
Accountabilities :
- Strategy &Policy : Run projects according to strategic decisions
- Project Management : Drive & coordinate project's execution within agreed budget, planning, scope and resources, according to group processes, procedures and governance; Communicate efficiently to stakeholders, inform upward
and downward about project's decisions.
- Tools : Is responsible for setting up and updating the project plan (schedule, resources, budget etc.) using the corporate
PPM tool
- Process Improvement : Participate in improving Project Management processes and best practices. Liaise with other project managers for knowledge management and harmonization of practices.
- Cross/Team Management : Lead and motivate the project team. Ensure adoption of team members to the organisation's project management approach, understand and apply Change Management principals and methods
Votre profil :
Your profile :
- Technical Project Management related to specific domains of project, program and portfolio management. Define and implement a strategy on how project/program objectives can BE met efficiently in the right sequence, by a multidisciplinary group of people within project/ program constraints (time, budget, quality, etc.).
- Knowledge of different Project Management Frameworks and ability to apply appropriate methodology (waterfall vs agile) according to projects characteristics
- Business Knowledge of products & processes applicable to the project/program domain to enhance performance and better delivery of business outcomes.
- Build and lead a cross-functional team towards a unified goal. Enable, motivate, and guide the team to meet deliverables within project constraints by demonstrating commitment, confidence, genuine collaboration, and ability to help everyone solve challenges and make decisions.
- Analyse each stakeholder's potential impact or influence on the project /program /portfolio and define appropriate communication or reporting set to meet stakeholders needs. Adapt the appropriate tools to manage expectations for project or program reviews and monitoring.
- Capacity to understand & influence the organization strategic objectives and translate them into operational projects and programs.
- Comfortable with project management and project portfolio management tools.
- English Level advanced
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