Notre raison d'être chez AXA ? Chaque jour, nous agissons ensemble pour le progrès humain en protégeant ce qui compte dans + de 50 pays. Accompagner près de 95 millions de clients à chaque étape de leur vie, une mission qui donne le sourire et envie de se lever le matin à nos employés et agents (+ de 145 000 dans le monde !).
Chez AXA, nous sommes riches de nos singularités et accueillons tous les profils dans leur diversité. Au-delà de mener une politique inclusive engagée, nous agissons au quotidien en tant qu'employeur citoyen et responsable pour des causes sociétales & environnementales. Ces ambitions vous parlent ? Alors rejoignez un des leaders de l'assurance et venez changer le monde avec nous !
- AXA Liabilities Managers (AXA LM) is a manager of legacy insurance and reinsurance business. Founded in 2001 to proactively manage AXA's non-life reinsurance liabilities. With 20-years of international experience in P&C legacy structuring, AXA LM operates today in the UK, Switzerland, USA, and is headquartered in France.
The actuarial team is looking for a trainee for 4 to 5 months.
Actuarial review is performed on an annual basis, leading to a revaluation of reserves for each portfolio. Various stochastic and deterministic derived reserving methods (Chain Ladder, Bootstrap, Mack, etc.) are used and other specific methods are applied for some atypical risks such as asbestos, pollution and liability (for example PPO claims).
- Actuarial studies rely on the quality of the data with specificities for each of AXA LM portfolio :
Work on the simplification of the data transformation process in Access.
- To perform the actuarial studies, the inputs databases are uploaded in the reserving tool (RESQ) : Initiate the migration of inputs by reconducting the data processing from access to a new tool such as Power query.
- Conduct a review of the projection model of General Liability and Motor, improve model and perform backtesting analysis
- Following information system migration of several portfolios, IT data extracts may have new format and we need to adapt our data processing. Participate in the validation of the new data extracts and ensure their reliability. Perform reserving projection (Chain ladder) based the built triangles.
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