Premier gérant d'actifs européen parmi les 10 premiers acteurs mondiaux [1], Amundi propose à ses 100 millions de clients - particuliers, institutionnels et entreprises - une gamme complète de solutions d'épargne et d'investissement en gestion active et passive, en actifs traditionnels ou réels.
Ses six plateformes de gestion internationales [2], sa capacité de recherche financière et extra-financière, ainsi que son engagement de longue date dans l'investissement responsable en font un acteur de référence dans le paysage de la gestion d'actifs.
Les clients d'Amundi bénéficient de l'expertise et des conseils de 5 300 professionnels dans 35 pays. Filiale du groupe Crédit Agricole, Amundi est cotée en Bourse et gère aujourd'hui plus de 2 000 milliards d'Euros d'encours [3].
Amundi, un partenaire de confiance qui agit chaque jour dans l'intérêt de ses clients et de la société.
[1] Source : IPE « Top 500 Asset Managers » publié en juin 2022 sur la base des encours sous gestion au 31/12/2021
[2] Boston, Dublin, Londres, Milan, Paris et Tokyo
[3] Données Amundi y compris Lyxor au 31/03/2022.
En agissant chaque jour dans l'intérêt de la société, nous sommes un groupe engagé en faveur des diversités et de l'inclusion et plaçons l'humain au coeur de toutes nos transformations. Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap. Amundi Luxembourg is looking for a
Head of Internal Audit - CDI, full-time (m/f/d)
As a third-level control, the purpose of Internal Audit is to conduct periodic investigations and controls, documents-based or on site, within all Amundi units and all departments. These audits are intended to produce a diagnostic on :
Compliance with regulations, rules, procedures,
Measurement and control of the risks (identification, recording, reporting, decision taking).
These audits provide the Amundi Executive Management with an independent and professional opinion on the overall organisation, risk management and internal control of the entities within the group.
Internal Audit also controls the actual implementation of any recommendations made during internal audits and regulators audits.
Amundi Internal Audit is a global business line, which ultimately reports to Credit Agricole Inspection Générale, and functionally to Amundi's CEO. IT includes around 55 members, sharing common tools and procedures :
A central team located in Paris, who audits the whole group,
Audit teams in several countries who audit their country or region.
Each audit involves one or more auditors, one audit manager and one audit supervisor. Audits may involve several teams, central and local, as well as Credit Agricole Inspection Générale auditors.
Role as Luxembourg - Head of Internal Audit
The Luxembourg - Head of Internal Audit is responsible for Internal Audit matters in both Amundi Luxembourg and Fund Channel. The direct reporting is BE to Amundi Group Internal Audit, with a functional line to the Head of Amundi Luxembourg.
Main tasks and responsibilities include but are not limited to the following :
Prepare the strategic and annual audit plans for both entities, taking into account local regulatory requirements and guidelines received from Amundi Group Internal Audit,
Perform audit assignments, implementing the Amundi Group methodology, as well as monitor the implementation of recommendations (two follow-up campaigns per year),
Report the internal audit activity to Senior Management and Board of Directors, as well as Amundi Group Internal Audit business line, and escalate any necessary matters,
Contribute to the development of the audit methodology to ensure ongoing alignment with industry standards and take part in Internal Audit business line methodological work,
Keep track with the key events and changes occurring in both entities, build and maintain relationship with Senior Management and key stakeholders, attend relevant local governance bodies and contribute to the internal control awareness and good practices,
Manage internal and external resources contributing to internal audit work,
Participate in central fieldwork in coordination with Amundi Internal Audit,
Become the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for Amundi Internal audit regarding local Laws, Rules and Regulations.
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