Chez Framatome, filiale d'EDF, nous concevons et fournissons des équipements, des services, du combustible, et des systèmes de contrôle-commande pour les centrales nucléaires du monde entier.
Nos 18 000 collaborateurs permettent chaque jour à nos clients de produire un mix énergétique bas-carbone toujours plus propre, plus sûr et plus économique.
Nos équipes développent également des solutions pour les secteurs de la défense, de la médecine nucléaire et du spatial.
Implantée dans une vingtaine de pays, Framatome rassemble les expertises d'hommes et de femmes passionnés et convaincus que le nucléaire est une énergie d'avenir.
Entreprise responsable, nous développons des actions pour former et accompagner les premières expériences professionnelles (label Happy Trainees), intégrer tous les talents, dont les personnes en situation de handicap, oeuvrer pour l'égalité professionnelle et la mixité de nos métiers (94/100 à l'index de l'égalité hommes-femmes) et concilier les temps de vie.
Pour suivre notre actualité, retrouvez-nous sur, LinkedIn, Instagram et X.
Global Assignment
Within the Fuel BU Product and Technologies division, the R&D Digital Solution Project Manager is responsible for developing the Fuel BU Digital Solution Portfolio. Digital solutions rely on the use of AI-based technologies in conjonction with fuel product and reactor data. The use of AI for nuclear fuel covers large domain of application such as core design, safety, modelling, analysis of operating experience, on-site fuel services, product inspections.
He/She leads the creation and growth of innovative ideas in the Fuel BU via brainstorming sessions and other innovation tools. For each idea, he/she leads the identification of potential inernal/exernal customer value, in order to validate the selection of most promising ideas.
This step requires the capacity to understand detailed technical activities and apply the use of new AI-based technologies.
He/She then develops selected ideas into R&D projects that he/she manages and/or coordinate with Fuel divisions, the Digital engineering branch of Framatome, and / or external partners such as university or research institutes. This step requires solid project management and leadership skills in order to accelerate the market readiness of these Digital solutions.
He/She also communicates to promote the value of digital solutions, in Framatome and externally, via customer presentations or technical conferences.
He/She closely interacts with Fuel R&D Domain Managers and other Framatome Business Unit R&D Managers in France, Germany and the USA to make sure that the projects are in line with the potential customer needs. He/she reports to the Fuel BU Codes and Methods Domain Manager. Missions
1/ To identify and evaluate digital solution ideas :
Propose ideas in response to technical challenges and potential customer needs
Coordinate the generation of innovative ideas across Fuel BU regions
Evaluate new ideas based on business and technical value
Establish new R&D project proposal for validation based on business and technical value and with a robust project plan
2/ To manage the portfolio of R&D digital solutions projects pursued in France, Germany or the USA
Coordination of project plan update with support from Fuel divisions
Manage the project success in terms of results, budget, schedule by establishing key performance indicators and tracking them
Financial reporting and forecasts on the Digital Solution project portfolio
3/ To communicate and promote the developed digital solutions and give IT the right visibility internally in Framatome and externally with customers and the nuclear community.
Education and experience
At least 5 years of experience of project management or R&D / Innovation management
Positive experience working with international teams and in networks
Technical knowledge applicable to the nuclear fuel industry
Knowledge of trends regarding innovation and particularly in Artificial Intelligence
IT tools (Excel, PowerBI, Database)
Fluent in English
Leadership ; ability to embark and manage teams transversally
Ability to collect information from various competence teams
Strong competence for innovation (technology and business development), especially in the domain of Artificial Intelligence
Communication skills
Project management
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