Notre raison d'être chez AXA ? Chaque jour, nous agissons ensemble pour le progrès humain en protégeant ce qui compte. Une mission qui donne le sourire et envie de se lever le matin !
Un des leaders mondiaux de l'assurance dans la protection des biens, des personnes et des actifs, AXA c'est 145 000 collaborateurs et contributeurs qui s'engagent au quotidien pour nos clients, c'est 51 pays dans lesquels nous distribuons nos produits et services et plus de 90 millions de client qui nous font confiance dans le monde. Employeur citoyen et responsable, AXA s'engage au quotidien pour des causes sociétales & environnementales. Nous menons une politique inclusive engagée pour reconnaître et valoriser les différences individuelles. Ces ambitions vous parlent ? Alors venez changer le monde avec nous !
Le siège du Groupe AXA est basé à l'Avenue Matignon (Paris) et regroupe les activités corporate du Groupe. Il se distingue par une forte culture internationale. The headquarters of the AXA Group (GIE AXA) brings together our corporate activities. IT provides guidance and support to subsidiaries around the world, to ensure the coordination and monitoring of the Group's global strategy, the application of its standards, the consistency of commercial approaches and the sharing of best practices. The headquarters gathers approximately 1000 employees and is distinguished by its strong international culture (45 nationalities), which makes IT a rich and stimulating place to work.
Within the Group, you will join the P&C Group Risk Management. The department brings together high level and multidisciplinary staff with engineers, PhDs, actuaries, data scientists and financials split between Paris, Hong Kong, Zürich and Madrid. Its main missions are focused on the following key areas
- Develop and maintain models and tools in an efficient and strong IT ecosystem to industrialize deliverables.
- Analyze, model and aggregate the P&C Group's risks (economic capital);
- Define and implement the process enabling to secure the undertaken risks (risk appetite, assets accumulation, reserve, premium, natural catastrophe and man-made risks)
- Optimize the Group protections (reinsurance, securitization, hedging, etc.) to meet the desired strategy.
Within this Department, you will BE part of the P&C Internal Model team which is responsible of the P&C capital model under Solvency II framework for all AXA entities. The Internal model team' missions primarily consist in :
- Supporting entities in the P&C Solvency II process in closing period (Half-year and Full-year), and BE placed as P&C model referent
- Challenging the assumptions and figures disclosed by the entities, to ensure that results validation is adequately performed.
- Responsible of the capital model for P&C risks (Premium, CAT, Reserves) and Reinsurance credit risk
Your job and daily missions :
The intern will actively contribute to the transformation of P&C Internal model processes by :
- Re-designing P&C processes :
- Migration of Premium / Reserves calibration tool to revamp the user experience and automatize run and local/ Group analysis.
- Automatize and improve the reporting of Group capital metrics.
- Improve the reinsurance modelling and its optimization.
- Develop the reinsurance credit model :
- Study, test and implement new correlation parameters amongst reinsurers.
- Improve the modelling of shocked probability of default in the model.
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