Safran est un groupe international de haute technologie opérant dans les domaines de l'aéronautique (propulsion, équipements et intérieurs), de l'espace et de la défense. Sa mission : contribuer durablement à un monde plus sûr, où le transport aérien devient toujours plus respectueux de l'environnement, plus confortable et plus accessible. Implanté sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie 92 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre d'affaires de 23,2 milliards d'euros en 2023, et occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou européen sur ses marchés. Safran s'engage dans des programmes de recherche et développement qui préservent les priorités environnementales de sa feuille de route d'innovation technologique.
Safran est la 1ère entreprise du secteur aéronautique et défense du classement « World's Best Companies 2023 » du magazine TIME.
N°1 des fonctions d'atterrissage et de freinage, Safran Landing Systems équipe les flottes civiles, régionales, d'affaires et militaires de plus de 25 avionneurs. Son expertise couvre l'ensemble du cycle de vie de ses produits, de la conception et la fabrication à la maintenance et la réparation.
Descriptif missionPOWERED BY TEAMWORK. Are you ready to be part of a team that drives big ideas and even bigger wins? At Safran, we believe in the power of both collaboration and individual contributions. We understand that it takes diverse perspectives, problem-solving skills, dependability, and trust to push each other forward and achieve great success. For us, working here is more than just a job; it's a passion. There's the unique opportunity to lead the way in aerospace and defense and contribute to creating a safer and more sustainable world.
We trust our employees to bring bold ideas to build the future of aerospace together, contributing to our ranking by TIME as the leading Aerospace & Defense company on the 2023 World's Best Companies list (#59 on the full list). Join our team and become part of the group that's making amazing things happen on the ground and in the skies. Together, we'll proudly step back and say, "We did that.
This position is within SAFRAN Landing Systems, reporting to SAFRAN Filtration Systems, a subsidiary specializing in filtration equipment for aeronautical and military systems (engines, ECS, hydraulics, etc.)
You will be responsible for defining and implementing a sales and business development strategy (in line with the company strategy) to achieve the set goals in your territory (North, Central and South America).
You will have a comprehensive view of your markets where you will deploy our technical offers and understand the competition environment. You will identify new market development opportunities and forge relationships with new partners. You establish the appropriate level of communication with various stakeholders, including direct clients and partners, leveraging your network.
Experience: Expérience exigée
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