Depuis 2006, Le Répertoire de Gaspard accompagne les familles parisiennes désireuses de mettre en place une garde d'enfant anglophone sur mesure pour des enfants francophones, déjà bilingues ou multilingues. Notre qualité de service repose sur la rigueur de notre équipe anglophone multiculturelle, experte du recrutement, du profilage et du matching.
Full-time Childcare Specialist Job in Paris
The application process is now open for full-time childcare specialist jobs at Le Repertoire de Gaspard in Paris from September 2025 to July 206.
The full-time job is obtained through a diploma program called CAP Petite Enfance (now called the CAP AEPE), essentially the French equivalent of an Early Years Childhood Practitioner.
With this diploma program, you will earn a license that permits you to work in France's nurseries and pre-schools as an English Educator. The qualification focuses on all aspects of development and the needs of children from birth up to six years old.
How does it work? Earning while you are learning.
You will be paid to attend classes in our training center in the mornings every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9.00 am- 3.30 pm. In the afternoons you will put theory into practice and work as a childminder with one of our families from the agency (around 20 hours a week). On Wednesday, you will likely be working with the families for a whole day.
During the course you will undertake (for example)
- Free French lessons
- First Aid Training
- Work Placements at a nursery, pre-school or Montessori setting
To learn more about the qualification please go via this link where you can also apply.
Infos complémentaires
We pay YOU to do the training with the objective of coming out of the program with a recognised qualification in France.
During the course you will undertake (for example)
- Free French lessons
- First Aid Training
- Work Placements at a nursery, pre-school or Montessori setting
If you are accepted into the program, you can expect:
- The Full-Time work offered via the Early Years Childcare Diploma offers a salary between 1250 and 1700 euros net a month and depends on your profile in line with French Labour Laws.
- 50% of your metro pass paid for
- France job contract and employment benefits
- Assistance finding accommodation
- Access to a wide social program
To be considered for the program, you will need:
- A clear motivation to work with children and previous experience
- An excellent level of English, ideally C1+ (native level)
- Basic French
- Have valid working papers to work in France (or EU citizen).
- At least 18 years old
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