Forvia, a sustainable mobility technology leader
Apprentissage Contrôle de gestion Achat
Au sein de Faurecia, nous sommes tous passionnés par le monde de l'automobile. Nous sommes experts dans la conception, la production et la livraison des meilleures technologies, systèmes et services auprès des constructeurs automobiles sur les principaux marchés des 5 continents. Si vous partagez notre ambition pour la perfection technique et notre passion de l'automobile, Faurecia, vous offre une opportunité de carrière.« Faurecia, un élément-moteur pour votre évolution professionnelle ».
La direction du Contrôle Achat Groupe recherche un(e)Apprenti(e) en Contrôle de Gestion Achat pour le siège social à Nanterre (92). Cet apprentissage pourra débuter à partir de mai 2022 et aura une durée de 12 mois à 24 mois.
Your mission, roles and responsibilities
Dans le cadre de cet apprentissage, vous aurez pour missions de :
- Participer aux clôtures mensuelles permettant d'évaluer la performance réelle ainsi que la revue des prévisions
- Participer à l'établissement des documents de clôture Achat en lien avec les différents interlocuteurs dans les Business Group;
- Consolider le reporting par commodités des différentes Business Group
- Assurer le contrôle budgétaire de la section centrale;
- Suivi des synergies Faurecia / Hella
- Dans un contexte de transformation des Achat, participer à toute analyse ou support demandé par le management (Datacrunching).
Your profile and competencies to succeed
- Bac +4/5-Ecole de commerce ou école d'ingénieur avec une forte appétence pour les chiffres
- Excellente maîtrise de Microsoft Excel
- Bonne maîtrise de l'anglais
- Connaissances en comptabilité
- Esprit de synthèse, d'analyse et aptitude à fournir des informations fiables et de qualité
- Grandes qualités de communication écrite et orale
- Rigueur, autonomie et capacité à prendre des initiatives
What we can do for you
- At Forvia, you will find an engaging and dynamic environment where you can contribute to the development of sustainable mobility leading technologies.
- We are the seventh-largest global automotive supplier, employing more than 157,000 people in more than 40 countries which makes a lot of opportunity for career development.
- We welcome energetic and agile people who can thrive in a fast-changing environment. People who share our strong values. Team players with a collaborative mindset and a passion to deliver high standards for our clients. Lifelong learners. High performers. Globally minded people who aspire to work in a transforming industry, where excellence, speed, and quality count.
- We cultivate a learning environment, dedicating tools and resources to ensure we remain at the forefront of mobility. Our people enjoy an average of more than 22 hours of online and in-person training within FORVIA University (five campuses around the world)
- We offer a multicultural environment that values diversity and international collaboration. We believe that diversity is a strength. To create an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity create real value for the company, we have adopted gender diversity targets and inclusion action plans.
- Achieving CO2 Net Zero as a pioneer of the automotive industry is a priority : In June 2022, Forvia became the first global automotive group to BE certified with the new SBTI Net-Zero Standard (the most ambitious standard of SBTi), aligned with the ambition of the 2015 Paris Agreement of limiting global warming to 1.5°C. Three principles guide our action : use less, use better and use longer, with a focus on recyclability and circular economy.
Why join us
FORVIA is an automotive technology group at the heart of smarter and more sustainable mobility. We bring together expertise in electronics, clean mobility, lighting, interiors, seating, and lifecycle solutions to drive change in the automotive industry.
With a history stretching back more than a century, we are the 7th largest global automotive supplier, employing more than 157,000 people in 43 countries. You'll find our technology in around 1 out of 2 vehicles produced anywhere in the world.
In June 2022, we became the 1st global automotive group to BE certified with the SBTI Net-Zero Standard. We have committed to reach CO2 Net Zero by no later than 2045.
As technological innovation and the need for sustainability transform the automotive industry, we are ideally positioned to deliver solutions that will enhance the lives of road-users everywhere.
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