Le CEA est un acteur majeur de la recherche, au service des citoyens, de l'économie et de l'Etat.
Il apporte des solutions concrètes à leurs besoins dans quatre domaines principaux : transition énergétique, transition numérique, technologies pour la médecine du futur, défense et sécurité sur un socle de recherche fondamentale. Le CEA s'engage depuis plus de 75 ans au service de la souveraineté scientifique, technologique et industrielle de la France et de l'Europe pour un présent et un avenir mieux maîtrisés et plus sûrs.
Implanté au coeur des territoires équipés de très grandes infrastructures de recherche, le CEA dispose d'un large éventail de partenaires académiques et industriels en France, en Europe et à l'international.
Les 20 000 collaboratrices et collaborateurs du CEA partagent trois valeurs fondamentales :
- La conscience des responsabilités
- La coopération
- La curiosité The internship aims to enhance the existing tooled metodology called QuaRTOS-DSE by improving the formalization and the implementation of the existing methodology.
The internship will address the exploration and the evaluation of complex critical SW architecture. Obtained SW architecture will BE evaluated by a formal verification of extra functional system properties using existing tools.
The exploration and the evaluation of complex critical SW architecture will BE performed with an Iterative tool (a first version with a first formalization of the approach exists), at the level of functions, tasks, agents, actors and will integrate some SotA architecture strategies and best practices for critical SW. The approach must integrate an evaluation of some metrics and a connection with evaluation tools.
The existing framework has very slight integration of the HW model, limitations on construction of input model (abstraction level) and limitations model transformation/generation for the evaluation and verification tools
The main activities of the internship will BE :
Study/explore the existing (the methodology formalization and the existing framework),
Identify limitations,
Identify/find APIs, languages and tools who can enhance the interoperability of the existing framework to address more input model, more abstraction level and more evaluation and verification tools
A new version/implementation of the framework improved on existing use cases
During this internship, the student will gain practical experience with safety critical systems and formal vérification techniques. This project provides a valuable opportunity to develop key skills in the design of safety critical systems. The use of generative AI tools for generated source code will BE explored in this internship.
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