Eiffage Génie Civil est présente dans l’ensemble des spécialités du génie civil. Ses équipes interviennent depuis la conception jusqu’à la construction, mais aussi en réparation et en maintenance, et en démolition, sur de nombreux ouvrages en France et à l’international.
MISSIONSConstruction surveys.Prepare the studies: verify the surveys, carry out further surveys, develop solutions, perform calculations, produce work drawings, etc..Carry out topometric measurements.Produce topographical surveys of plots .Take readings in relation to an existing work’s interior and façade and determine the perimeter and surface.Represent the layout of the building site using markers.Establish the infrastructure and various network plans Establishing the layout.Perform the general staking out of a project based on the general lines and fundamental points (check the planimetric and altimetric layout, plot the overall layout of a simple or complex project, transcribe the works to be executed as topographical coordinates, etc.).Perform an additional staking out: ground and altimetry (talus, trenches, parking facilities, use of laser, longitudinal beams, coating, etc.) .Carry out the support check .Lay out the detailed additional staking out (altimetric positioning of the structures, etc.) Check the geometry of the works executed.Update the infrastructure and various network plansCheck the layout conformity of a work Closing the building site.Establish the as-built drawings (communicate with the execution manager, add amendment and details to the plans, etc.) JOB REQUIREMENTS (training, education, certifications, etc.) .Education: 2 years’ higher education + 2 years’ experience in Civil Engineering, Public Works, Steel Construction, etc. or 2-3 years’ higher education as a Surveyor-Topographical Surveyor. Engineering school in Public Works. And 3-5 years’ experience in the trade JOB ENVIRONMENT .Reporting line: Works Director or Project Director.Internal relations: Engineering Office, Studies and Projects Office (BEP), Project Manager, etc. .External relations: Engineering Office
EXIGENCES DE L’EMPLOI (formation, diplôme, habilitations…)
.Formation : Bac+2 en Génie Civil, Travaux Publics, Construction métallique…
ou Bac+2/3 Géomètre-topographe
. Ecole d’ingénieur en Travaux Publics
. Et 3-5 ans d’expérience dans le métier
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