A propos de Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (Crédit Agricole CIB)
Crédit Agricole CIB est la banque de financement et d'investissement du groupe Crédit Agricole, 10ème groupe bancaire mondial en taille de bilan 2021 (The Banker, juillet 2022).
Près de 8600 collaborateurs répartis dans plus de 30 implantations en Europe, Amériques, Asie-Pacifique, Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord, accompagnent les clients de la Banque dans la couverture de leurs besoins financiers à travers le monde.
Crédit Agricole CIB propose à ses clients grandes entreprises et institutionnels une gamme de produits et services dans les métiers de la banque de marchés, de la banque d'investissement, des financements structurés, de la banque commerciale et du commerce international.
Pionnier dans le domaine de la finance Climat, la Banque occupe aujourd'hui une position de leader sur ce segment avec une offre complète pour l'ensemble de ses clients.
La majorité des postes est éligible au télétravail dans les conditions prévues par notre accord reposant sur le double volontariat (collaborateur & manager) et après une période d'intégration réussie.
Crédit Agricole CIB s'engage en faveur de l'insertion des personnes en situation de handicap, ainsi ce poste est ouvert à toutes et à tous.
Pour plus d'information : www.ca-cib.fr
Twitter : https://twitter.com/ca\_cib
LinkedIn : http:///company/credit-agricole-cib/ Summary :
The Conflicts Management Group (CMG) in the Americas is responsible for the regulatory advisory function and the management of conflicts of interest, MNPI and the proper functioning of information barriers. IT is part of the Global CMG function within the Investment & Corporate Banking Regulatory Compliance (ICBRC) group for CACIB worldwide. The candidate should have a clear understanding of the various businesses that constitute the investment bank. The focus of the role will BE providing advisory to various private-side businesses, managing conflicts of interest and execution of control room-related controls.
Primary Responsibilities
· Provide support and back-up to the Head of ICBRC for the Americas in all respects, including supervision of employees and advisory to senior bank personnel.
· Provide general advisory services in connection with investment banking & financing activities.
· Provide advice and regulatory guidance to the private side of the bank and to the public side regarding control room-related issues.
· Provide advice to the business areas on transactions from a conflicts management standpoint.
· Review conflicts of interest that may arise from business dealings of the organization and administer the global conflicts policies for our Americas activities in conjunction with the Global CMG function of CACIB worldwide.
· Determine where conflicts arise in the business areas and establish the correct protective barriers to prevent the misuse of confidential and/or inside information.
· Maintain the conflicts database by ensuring all conflicts are properly captured in the system.
· Maintain close coordination with the conflicts clearance function of the Global CMG, keeping all CMG members fully aware of proceedings in the Americas and serve as a backup location whenever necessary.
· Maintain and update the US conflicts policies and procedures to ensure they are in agreement with Global policies as well as US laws and regulations concerning the topic.
· Train business units on conflict management, control room, investment banking and financing advisory topics.
· Maintain the information barriers that prevent the misuse of material non-public information in the organization.
· Manage wall-crossings, insider lists and staff above the wall lists.
· Review conflicts of interest relating to outside business activities, personal trading and data transfers.
· Assist with ad hoc investigations.
· Provide responses to regulatory and audit inquiries.
Secondary Responsibilities
Support the employee trade monitoring function as well as offer advice on the related policies and practices. Train the various business units on conflict management issues as well as the concepts of insider trading and material non-public information. Conduct surveillance to support the firm's MNPI and information barrier policies.
Salary Range : $170,000-$210,000
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