Job Description:
Envie de rejoindre l'aventure ATR ? Une offre en alternance vient de s'ouvrir sur notre site à Blagnac !
En 2022, ATR est labellisée Happy Trainees. 90% des étudiants recommandent l’entreprise à l’issue de leur alternance ou de leur stage.
Ce que nous allons faire ensemble :
Être alternant chez ATR, c’est être intégré au sein d’une équipe comme un membre à part entière avec un véritable périmètre d’intervention et des responsabilités.
Rattaché au Contrôle Central de Gestion, le candidat aura pour mission d'améliorer l'automatisation de plusieurs reporting & d'appuyer la définition de reporting standard
* Participation aux clôtures mensuelles
* Développement d'outils automatisés pour le reporting
* Proposition de standards reports basés sur SAP/ BW/ Power BI/ Pack Office.
* Supporter l'analyse des actuals et la compréhension des écarts avec les projections
* Participation aux exercices de Forecast et de Budget
* Support EPM Developpement
Cette alternance est faite pour vous:
* Master en finance ou dans un domaine connexe
* Connaissances financières, connaissances des processus de contrôle
* Bureautique (excel, word) / SAP
* Curieux, organisé, proactif
* Français courant
* Anglais
Démarrage: Août 2024
Durée : 2 ans
Comment se passe le processus de recrutement ?
Le processus de recrutement se passe en deux étapes après l’analyse de votre CV :
* Entretien technique Manager : Dernière étape du processus vous y êtes presque ! Le responsable du stage vous contactera pour un entretien de validation.
Want to join the ATR adventure? A new apprenticeship opportunity has just opened on our Blagnac site!
In 2022, ATR is awarded the Happy Trainees label. 90% of students recommend the company at the end of their work-study or internship.
What we will do together:
Being an apprentice at ATR means being integrated into a team as a full member with a real scope of intervention and responsibilities. You will have the opportunity to learn and develop your skills and experience within a market leading company!
Attached to the Central Controlling, the candidate would have the mission to improve automation throughout several reporting & to support definition of standard reporting.
* Participation to monthly closing
* Development of Tools automation for reporting
* Proposal to standard report based on several tools: SAP/ BW/ Power BI/ Pack Office.
* Support analysis to understand Actuals & gaps vs Forecast & OP
* Participation to Forecast & Operating Plan exercises.
* Support EPM Development
This apprenticeship is designed for you
* Masters degree in finance or related field
* Financial and controlling processes knowledge
* Office (excel, power point master) / SAP
* Curious, organized, proactive
* French fluent
* English
Starting Date : August 2024
Duration : 2 years
How does the recruitment process work?
The recruitment process takes place in two stages after the analysis of your CV:
* Technical interview with Manager: Last step of the process you are almost there! The course manager will contact you for a validation interview.
Job Description Summary
- Financial controller is a co-pilot for the financial performance of the organization by planning and challenging.
- Analyzing & giving advice to the organization.
- Supporting the execution & ensuring the data quality and communicating.
- The job holder ensures compliance and enforce finance processes.
- He or she raises Finance awareness in the business.
This job requires an awareness of any potential compliance risks and a commitment to act with integrity, as the foundation for the Company’s success, reputation and sustainable growth.
Avions de Transport Regional (ATR) GIE
Contract Type:
Experience Level:
Job Family:
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