Fondée en 1948, l'UIA est une fédération d'organisations professionnelles nationales qui œuvrent pour unifier les architectes, influencer les politiques publiques et faire progresser l'architecture au service des besoins de la société. L'UIA représente les architectes à l'échelle mondiale, contribue à l'élaboration de normes internationales communes pour l'architecture et offre un forum unique d'échanges, de rencontres et de mise en réseau sur l'architecture et pour les architectes.
L'Union est dirigée par un Conseil élu pour un mandat de trois ans. L'UIA est connue pour ses Congrès et Forums organisés dans différents pays.
Le travail de l'UIA est principalement mené à travers ses Commissions et ses Programmes de travail, qui rassemblent des architectes et des experts externes du monde entier dans les trois domaines thématiques suivants :
1. l'éducation
2. Pratique professionnelle
3. Le développement durable
Le Secrétariat général de l'UIA est basé à Paris et constitue le cœur de l'organisation. Le Secrétariat est chargé d'organiser les réunions et les événements de l'Union ainsi que de mettre en œuvre ses politiques. Il est composé d'une équipe d'employés et de prestataires de services externes. Le secrétariat, actuellement en cours de réorganisation, se compose d'une petite équipe de quatre personnes, épaulée par deux architectes jouant le rôle de coordinateurs et d'un soutien externe supplémentaire.
Dans le cadre de sa nouvelle structure organisationnelle, l'UIA propose des postes stimulants et des opportunités de développement professionnel.
Actuellement, l'UIA lance un appel à candidatures pour le poste clé de directeur-trice exécutif-ve.
Les candidats motivés sont encouragés à postuler et à participer à ce processus dynamique. Un comité de sélection composé de représentants élus et d'experts externes présélectionnera les candidats et s'entretiendra avec les finalistes.
Procédure de recrutement :
1. Dossier de candidature
Pour postuler, veuillez compléter votre dossier de candidature avec les éléments suivants :
* Un CV
* Une lettre de motivation (LM) en français et en anglais
* Des références professionnelles susceptibles d’être contactées (2-3 idéalement)
* Une copie de vos diplômes
NB : Les candidatures incomplètes ne seront pas prises en compte.
Modalités de la candidature
Envoyez votre dossier de candidature à l'adresse suivante :
Si vous êtes sélectionné(e), la procédure de recrutement se déroule en deux entretiens :
* Entretien à distance : 20 ou 21 février
* Mode : Entretien via ZOOM
* Le cas échéant, entretien en présentiel à Paris : 26 février
* Lieu : UIA, Tour Montparnasse, 33 avenue du Maine, 75015 Paris, 47ème étage
The Executive Director will carry out all assigned tasks meticulously and protect the interests of the UIA in every respect. The Executive Director has the personal authority to manage and instruct the staff and is overseen by the International Officers (President, Secretary General and Treasurer).
The Executive Director acts in consultation with and complements the role of the elected Secretary General:
1. The Executive Director is the head of the Secretariat with clear administrative tasks and responsibilities. They correspond to a fulltime job requiring continuous presence at the headquarters.
2. The Executive Director will operate under the oversight of the three international officers but will exercise appropriate authority over the staff.
3. The Executive Director will be responsible for the organisation of the Secretariat, will articulate staffing needs to the international officers, organise recruitment of new personnel and participate in the selection process. However, decisions regarding staffing will not be made unilaterally. Such decisions will involve the participation of the International Officers, particularly the President and Secretary General.
4. The Executive Director will represent the UIA when specifically asked to do so. External representation is typically undertaken by the elected International Officers or other designated officials.
Job description / Main Tasks
The primary purpose of this role is to ensure the smooth operation of the Secretariat, including the oversight of administrative arrangements, financial planning, personnel management and compliance matters. The Executive Director will also coordinate with consultants and external support.
Key duties and responsibilities encompass: Administration, Finance, Compliance Matters, Personnel Management.
In addition, the Executive Director will be entrusted with managing relationships with international, partner, and regional organisations, oversee the organisation of meetings and assist Council on policy matters.
Detailed Description of Tasks
1. Coordination (Liaison between Elected Representatives, Staff, Consultants and External Support)
The Executive Director will:
* Act as the main interlocutor of the International Officers and Council.
* Act as a liaison between the elected members and staff.
* Work closely with the Council and provide support to the Council’s Committees.
* Implement decisions and adhere to guidelines issued by the President and Secretary General.
* Organise and supervise the activities of the Secretariat and office staff.
* Coordinate the work of consultants and external support.
* Provide regular reports to the President and Secretary General.
* Contribute to the development of institutional policy and ensure its effective implementation.
Planning, Organisation and Follow up of Statutory Meetings
Assist with the planning and organisation of statutory meetings.
* Prepare Council meetings and General Assemblies in consultation with the President and Secretary General.
* Assist in the preparation of meeting agendas and ensure follow up.
* Monitor and document all topics and objectives to ensure clarity on decisions and actions taken.
* Implement the decisions of the UIA’s governing bodies.
* Organise and execute priority actions decided by the Council and evaluate their success.
* Structure and monitor the outputs of the UIA Commissions and Work Programmes in collaboration with the Secretary General and with the assistance of the relevant coordinator.
* Work closely with the elected Secretary General on content coordination matters.
Policy Advisory and Development
Ensure continuity of policies.
* Maintain regular consultation with the President and Council on all professional policy matters.
* Undertake political monitoring, observing and tracking relevant policy areas.
* Analyse and assess political and legislative developments on a global scale concerning the architectural profession.
* Conduct research, analyse options and prepare executive summaries to facilitate Council decisions.
* Document relevant information and identify contacts where necessary.
* Process current and relevant information to the UIA Council, Working Bodies and Member Sections.
External Relations
Maintain regular contact with international and regional organisations and UIA partners.
* Develop and maintain effective working relationships with these organisations, in collaboration with the International Relations Coordinator.
* Follow relevant external events focusing on information in line with priority objectives.
* Plan external events in advance and share schedules with the Council.
* Represent the UIA externally when requested by the international officers.
Team Management and administrative tasks
Organise and manage the UIA office and staff.
* Supervise and coordinate all staff.
* Conduct annual appraisals of salaried staff, alongside the Secretary General, based on agreed objectives.
* Monitor staff performance and implement checks and balances.
* Identify appropriate CPD opportunities for staff development.
* Plan staff leave schedules and ensure appropriate substitution during absences.
* Keep the Secretary General informed of all important staff and secretariat matters and involve him/her when necessary.
* Ensure compliance with employer’s obligations and monitor legislative changes.
* Ensure that all compliance issues and human resources matters are dealt with.
* Monitor and manage the working hours of Secretariat staff, including their presence in the office and annual leave schedules.
* Propose necessary changes and update job descriptions and contracts for UIA employees.
* Ensure that all staff are fully informed about the Health and Safety policy.
* Maintain up-to-date contracts and job descriptions.
* Implement tools and organise meetings to foster engagement, facilitate operations and ensure effective communication within the Secretariat team.
* Involve and consult the HR consultant on all relevant issues.
* Collaborate with coordinators in developing the work programme.
* Ensure staff provide appropriate support to coordinators.
* Conduct regular coordination meetings with coordinators, staff and the Secretary General.
* Organise recruitment processes as decided in collaboration with the International Officers.
* Oversee general correspondence and email management, ensuring proper follow-up is delegated as necessary.
* Manage issues related to the premises.
* Handle matters concerning insurances policies.
* Order office supplies, including IT equipment.
* Regularly update the UIA database.
* Ensure proper archiving of documents and materials.
* Implement data protection measures.
* Implement and maintain cybersecurity measures to protect organisational information.
Budget and financial management
Oversee the financial management of the UIA.
* Prepare and monitor accounts and review and negotiate bank conditions.
* Prepare all payments for processing by the accountant.
* Organise the issuance of subscription invoices for Member Sections.
* Conduct monthly reviews of accounts.
* Sign off payments and expenses in accordance with UIA financial regulations.
* Oversee the preparation of quarterly financial statements by the accountant and ensure their distribution as required.
* Arrange all necessary logistics and documentation for the Finance Committee.
* Liaise with Treasurer on financial matters.
* Prepare financial reports for Council and General Assemblies.
* Manage and control the UIA budget.
* Fulfil all legal and contractual obligations (insurances, bank accounts, etc.).
* Ensure compliance with all regulatory and legal requirements with the support from the accountant.
Profile and Qualifications
Candidates with diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply for this position. Specific professional experience will be considered equivalent to academic qualifications during the evaluation process.
Educational Qualifications:
* Master’s degree in Political Sciences, International Relations, Business Administration or a related field.
* Alternatively, a Master’s degree in Architecture with administrative experience.
* Minimum requirements: Master’s degree with at least two years of professional experience, or Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of five years’ experience.
Experience in architects’ organisations and/or international organisations.
Proficiency in both English and French (ideally bilingual). Knowledge of additional languages is an asset but are not a requirement.
* Experience in office management and bookkeeping.
* Proficiency in IT tools, including Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
* Independent, self-motivated, confident and a team-player. Big sense of responsibility.
* In-depth understanding of the architectural profession and its current global challenges.
* Ability to organise, synthesise information, and contribute to strategic planning.
* Capacity to understand and adapt to different cultures while working in a multicultural environment.
* Capacity to lead and motivate a team while also being an effective team member.
* Ability to face challenges.
* Capability to work intensively and adapt to changing circumstances.
* Flexibility in responding to evolving leadership dynamics.
* Diplomatic and negotiating skills.
Loyalty, discretion and adherence of protocol.
Reference remuneration: €80,000€ to €90,000 per annum, depending on the candidate’s profile and experience.
Job Type: Full-time
Status: Cadre
Pay: 80,000.00€ - 90,000.00€ per year
* Perfect English and French (Required)
Work Location: In person
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